Intro To HTML

Intro To HTML

A decent walk into the world of the Web. ๐ŸŒ


4 min read

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. Hypertext Markup Language is a set of markup symbols (or codes) inserted along with documents for display on the web. When the document is displayed on the internet, the markup language is not displayed and is just used to format or customize the documents. In other words, the markup tells the web browser how to display the texts and images of a web page.

Why do we need HTML/ what is it used for?

Anything you search on google basically returns a list of sites that contains pieces of information relevant to the keywords you searched. Any page you visit on the browser is called a web page( a page that is displayed on the web). A website typically consists of more than one web page.HTML is a set of codes used to structure the contents of a webpage. HTML is the foundation structure of all web pages and hence all websites too. So, in simplest words:

HTML is the foundation of a Website.It is extensively used in Front-End developments.

To better relate HTML is the Skeleton of a website/webpage.

How do we get started with HTML?

The coolest part about HTML is that we can get started with it any time when we wish to. Any text/code editor is pretty much great for starting off with HTML. Few examples are:

  • Basic Note pad.
  • Sublime.
  • Visual Studio Code.

However, for beginners, it is advised to start off with a plain text editor like notepad to get a better understanding of the markup symbols and to get familiar with the raw structure of HTML. Although, starting off with other advanced code/text editors is not harmful, rather more exciting.

What is the Front-End of a Website?

The Front-End of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything we see while navigating a website on the internet from fonts to colors to background images to sliders and everything is basically the front end of the website. In the simplest words, Front-End is the User Interface(UI) of a website.

Why is UI called the Front-End, is there a Back-End of a website too?

Yes, you got it right. There is a backend part of every dynamic website too. The Backend part of the website is contrasting with the Front-End of the website. That means the Back-End part of the website is the part that is not visible to the users. Back-End is the part where all the data is stored and accessed by the website. Unlike, Front-End, which is the presentation layer or UI.

Personal Preference of text editors.

For, HTML you can start off with any text/code editor you are familiar with(the notepad). However, most of the advanced text editors come with an Integrated Development Environment(IDE) which is super fun to use. In my experience of Web Development, I prefer to use Visual Studio Code (VSCode). It is an IDE too and supports many other language types other than HTML. Few other reasons why I am fond of VSCode:

  • It comes with Emmet Abbreviations and Intellisense, which doesn't require us to write more.

  • Most of the IDE with emmet abbreviations help us to write less and code more.

  • It also comes with several extensions including a live server, which tracks all the changes made in the editor and updates the server view without having to refresh the browser every time a change is made.

Is knowing HTML enough for being a front-end web developer?

Every day is a new learning curve if you are passionate enough. Let us think of a proper Website as a Normal Human Being. HTML, like said above, is like the skeletal structure that defines the structure of a human being(in this case, we are comparing a developed human being with a properly developed website). To make the foundation attractive we need the help of other languages that goes almost together with HTML, they are - CSS(to prettify the foundation and the contents) and JavaScript(To interact with the user). But, HEY! hold up... knowing HTML is still the first step of being a developer and is equally important and super fun too. After knowing HTML you can start creating websites on your own, and a fun fact is the fewer are the designs the faster the page loads. So, yeah, you can start building websites after you have a clear idea of HTML.

If you want to be a decent developer, you shall spend time with CSS and JavaScript after HTML, for learning the front-end.


That is enough introduction to HTML. I will be writing more blogs on how to get started with HTML, till then, hope you enjoyed reading my first blog on the Hash node. Thank you and happy learning.